Tuesday, November 19, 2019

How Poe's life showed form his work

Poe’s work is very Distinctive his stories are very dark and depression with a mix of some supernatural elements to them. As we know Poe had a hard upbringing with his parents both passing before he was even 3 years old. He also lost he wife to the same thing he lost his mother to tuberculosis. His background 100% shows up in his work like many other writers. He writes about death and the other side in many of his stories. He also commonly used the theme of young women dying in his sytoys. That was a product of seeing his mom, step mom and wife all died during his lifetime. Another commonly used theme in his stories is alcohol, during the last years of his life after his wife passed he became very depressed and started drinking a lot and doing other drugs to self heal his depression. This also shows up in his stories  with numerous alcoholic characters and stories like “The Cask of Amontillado”. I'm going to go deeper into both themes later in the blog.

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